Sunday, August 26, 2007

A little learning can be...

Commuting in the other day there were three girls discussing an acquaintance's welfare. They were a bit incredulous about the bruise on her cheek being caused by a kiss from her boyfriend. Apparently this had been a very unlucky young lady who had had a string of bad'uns as boyfriends. The three girls briefly speculated one why that should be. "I reckon its because she got good gcse's" one of them stated authoritatively.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Another Mini-Holiday

Me I am so changeable I am. Last night I really really preferred booting into Linux even though that involves all the fiddling around with Super Grub Disk.

Tonight I can't be arsed with Gnu/Linux.

Maybe its because I discovered my Cygwin install can do more terminal stuff than I originally thought and I do love, in an obsessional sudoku kind of way, love playing around with the command line if only at a simple level.

Or maybe its 'cause my strong association of XP with productivity and straightforwardness. A man cannot serve two masters as he will love one and hate the other. And that will switch on a daily basis. But no OS should be my master.

So Gates it is tonight. (with a little smattering of Linus later?)
