Return from the dead

Thats nice SpeedTest has had a makeover.
There was a major outage in East London with Be - some third party destroyed one of the tunnels.
We are back on line now but I am wondering if this result is indicative of a problem? Its the first test I've done since the outage.
Being spending a lot of time with a found computer. It is Dell branded and the very handy Belarc advisor tells me it has a Dell Motherboard.
My conundrum is do I put it through Windows Genuine Advantage?
It has hotfixes but there is no Windows Defender and Media Player is version 10. It does have IE7 - but seing as it was practically dead from malware overdoses it is hard to know what is really what.
Another concern is the COA - it doesn't quite do what the MS site says it should do.
Otherwise I am very proud of my repair job (entirely software based - it will need a new CD drive which I intend to attempt next week).
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