Monday, April 09, 2007

And a few installs i wrote on my main blog it is a year since I gave I smoking. Linux has been a great me something to do though my gf isn't too impressed with the time I spend on it.

It has a times been a right royal pain. i have just come out of another no-linux-please period but have succumbed again. I thought I would be daring and install opensuse10.2 but it got tetchy during install so back to ubuntu though I have stuck Kubuntu in there to give a bit of variety. its now got the whole of the second disk-the reason being is windows was getting shirty with it. I suspect the drive must be dodgy - some of the grub problems I have had could have been due to dodginess. Anyway its now a dedicated linux experiment disk. At the very least it has stopped stopped chkdsk fretting everytime XP tries to boot.

And it has few practical tools with it I guess.

have yet to be arsed installing codecs etc...automatix doesn't like Kubuntu much satys some icons are incompatible or something.