The Asus Blog on the Move Challenge

Stepping back a bit – the purpose of the challenge is to produce a blog post using the Asus eeepc and for added spice to begin and end it away from from home connection an workspace. A concern i have had is that my messy blunderbuss approach to getting all the components together will be more difficult with the small screen and to a much lesser extent the lack of conventional desktop.
This text is being written using the OpenOffice Writer software – the spell check is holding up ok. At home I would probably start with a text editor but the hope is I can save some time with the formatting when I get to upload this at the wifi cafe at lunchtime.
At home I would be connected to the internet throughout the whole process breaking off from the writing to hunt out an image or other link. I can't do that here obviously.
So now I am at the Wifi cafe and all was going well. I uploaded the picture above from the SSD and then pasted my text from Writer into the "Compose" field in Blogger and then I couldn't get an insert point to appear! (Why is that exclamation mark in bold?) I had to switch to the html view and do it there then switch back so it's all working.
Right now lets find something relevant on Flickr. How about this?
Now lets have some technorati tags - (I always have to look this code up and then paste into a text editor. On the eeepc you have several. I use the terminal to launch kwrite. The taskbar is very crowded now. Hard to make out what is what.). That will complete things here just need to post it and linkto it from my main blog.
eeepc railwayman waterloo
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